Nazaj na vrh
Schedule - Faculty of Arts
Study programme
Andragogy (Teacher Education Programme)
Archaeology - 1st cycle
Asian Studies
Asian Studies - 1st cycle
Central European Studies (Joint Degree)
Classical and Humanistic Studies
Classics and Humanities - 1st cycle
Comparative Linguistics - 1st cycle combined degree
Comparative Literature and Literary Theory
Comparative Literature and Literary Theory - 1st cycle
Comparative Literature and Literary Theory (Combined Programme)
Comparative Slavic Linguistics - 1 cycle combined degree
Comparative Slavic Linguistics (Combined Programme)
CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes (Joint Degr
Czech Language and Literature
Czech Language and Literature - 1st cycle combined degree
Digital Linguistics
English Studies
English Studies - 1st cycle
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - 1st cycle
French and Romance Studies - 1st cycle
French Studies
French Studies - 1st cycle
General Linguistics
General Linguistics
General Linguistics - 1st cycle combined degree
Geography - 1st cycle
Geography (Combined Teacher Education Programme)
German Studies - 1st cycle
Germanic Studies
Greek Language, Literature and Culture
Greek Language, Literature and Culture - 1st cycle combined degree
Greek Language, Literature and Culture (Combined Programme)
Hispanic Studies
History - 1st cycle
History of Art
History of Art - 1st cycle
Indo-European Comparative Linguistics (Combined Programme)
Interlingual Communication - 1st cycle
Italian Language and Literature - 1st cycle combined degree
Latin Language, Literature and Culture
Latin Language, Literature and Culture - 1st cycle combined degree
Librarianship and Information Science - 1st cycle
Librarianship and Information Science - 1st cycle
Library, Information and Publishing Studies
Musicology - 1st cycle
Musicology - 1st cycle
Pedagogy (Combined Teacher Education Programme)
Pedagogy (Teacher Education Programme)
Pedagogy and Andragogy - 1st cycle
Pedagogy and Andragogy - 1st cycle combined degree
Philosophy - 1st cycle
Polish Studies
Polish Studies - 1st cycle combined degree
Portuguese Language and Literature - 1st cycle combined degree
Psychology - 1st cycle
Russian Studies
Russian Studies - 1st cycle combined degree
Slovak Studies
Slovak Studies - 1st cycle combined degree
Slovene Studies
Slovene Studies
Slovene Studies - 1st cycle
Slovene Studies (Teacher Education Programme)
Sociology - 1st cycle combined degree
Sociology (Combined Teacher Education Programme)
Sociology of Culture
Sociology of Culture - 1st cycle
Sociology of Culture (Combined Programme)
South Slavic Studies
South Slavic Studies - 1st cycle combined degree
Spanish Language and Literature - 1st cycle combined degree
Translation - 1st cycle
Translation (Slovene-English-French) (Joint Degree)
Translation (Slovene-English-German) (Joint Degree)
Module and Study year
No module
first year
second year
third year
PSJ1 Moderni ruski jezik I/5-6 - lektorske vaje za nerusiste
19th Century English Novel
19th century French Literature
A Grammar of Academic and Technical Language
A Grammar of Academic and Tehnical Language
A Theory of Technology
Academic Discourse in Spanish 1
Academic Discourse in Spanish 2
Academic Text
Accessibility of Cultural Heritage and Practices of Collaboration with Communities
Administrative and Business French
Advanced Methods for Geographers
Aesthetics from Antiquity to Romanticism
Aesthetics of Music
American Drama
American Novel
American Poetry of the 19th and 20th Centuries
American Short Story
American Society and Culture
American Society and Culture
American Spanish
An Overview of Australian Literature
An Overview of Australian Literature
An Overview of Canadian Literature
An Overview of Canadian Literature
Analyses of Materials
Analysis and Translation of Japanese Media Texts
Analysis and Translation of Japanese ScientificTexts 1
Analysis and Translation of Japanese ScientificTexts 2
Analysis of Literary Texts 1
Analysis of Vedic Hymns
Ancient anthropology and philosophy of culture - selected chapters
Ancient Greek and Roman History
Ancient Greek I/1
Ancient Greek II/1
Ancient Greek II/2
Ancient Numismatics
Ancient Philosophy 1
Ancient Philosophy 2
Anglo-American Feminist Literary Studies
Anglo-American Literary Theory
Anthropology and Writing
Anthropology of Gender
Anthropology of Law
Anthropology of Law
Anthropology of Migrations
Anthropology of Religion
Anthropology of Sexuality
Anthropology of Sexuality
Anthropology of Space and Place
Anthropology of Symbolic Forms
Anthropology of the Mediterranean
Anthropology of the Mediterranean C, CP
Anthropology of the Mediterranean S
Anthropology of Tourism
Antiquity in the modern age culture
Antropology of Education
Applied Anthropology and Cultural Management
Applied Child Psychology
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Applied Developmental Psychology
Applied Ethnomusicology
Applied Ethnomusicology - Lectures
Applied Ethnomusicology for Music Teachers
Applied Linguistics – Language and Speaker
Applied Linguistics – Linguistic and Social Stratification
Applied Physical Geography
Applied Psychometrics
Applied Slovene
Applied urban geography
Archaeological Heritage Management
Archaeological Methodology 1
Archaeological Methodology 2
Archaeological Methodology 3
Archaeological methodology 4
Archaeology of Later Periods – Selected Topics
Archaeology of Later Periods 1
Archaeology of Later Periods 2
Archaeology of Neolithic and Eneolithic in Europe and Asia
Argumentation Techniques
Arhivistics in Practice
Arhivistics with Research Methodology S
Art and Architecture of the Ancient World I
Art and Architecture of the Ancient World II
Art of Early and High Middle Ages in Western Europe I
Art of Early and High Middle Ages in Western Europe II
Artistic Techniques and Restoration
Asian Communities' Responses to Global Challenges
Asian Philosophies
Asian Philosophies, Religions and Cultures
Aspects of Literary Translation into French
Australian Literature
Australian Society and Culture
Australian Society and Culture
Auxiliary Historical Sciences
Avestan and Old Persian
Bachelor's Seminar – Linguistics
Bachelor's Seminar – Linguistics
Bachelor's Seminar – Literature
Bachelor's Seminar – Literature
Baroque and Classicism
Basic Anthropological Concepts
Basic course in Translation: French to Slovene
Basic course in Translation: Slovene to French
Basic Rhetorical Skills for Students of German
Basic translation skills I: Computer-Aided Translation
Basics of Communication
Basics of Information System Design
Basics of Measurement in Psychology
Basics of neuroscience and behavioral neurology
Basics of Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials
Basics of Programming
Basics of Thematic Cartography
Bible and Slovene Literature C, E
Bible and Slovene Literature S, C
Bilingualism:theory and practice
Binding phonology - introduction
Binding phonology I
Book in a Historical and Social Context
Books and Media
Brazilian Culture and Civilization
British Literature
British Poetry between the 16th and 19th Centuries
British Romantic and Victorian Poetry
British Society and Culture
British Society and Culture
British Society and Culture
Bronze and Iron Age Archaeology – Selected Topics
Bronze and Iron Age Archaeology 1
Bronze and Iron Age Archaeology 2
Bulgarian Language, Societies and Cultures
Business Chinese
Business Communication
Byzantine literature and culture
Canadian Literature
Canadian Society and Culture
Canadian Society and Culture
Catalan 1
Catalan 2
Catalan 3
Child in the Family and Nursery School
Children's and Young Adult Literature for Teachers
Children's Literature in English
Chinese Aesthetics
Chinese Art
Chinese Cosmology
Chinese Language 4
Chinese Literature
Chinese Philosophy - Selective Topics
Chinese Philosophy D
Chinese Philosophy E
Church Slavonic - Southern Slavic Varieties
Civil Society Movements and Contemporary South Korea
Classic and Contemporary World Literature – Practical Classes
Classic Sociological Thought
Classical Archaeology – Selected Topics
Classical Archaeology 1
Classical Archaeology 2
Classical Chinese 1
Classical Chinese 2
Classical German Philosophy C
Classical German Philosophy S
Classical Greek Literature
Classical Japanese
Classical Rhetoric
Classroom management and teachers' professional development
Clinical Psychology and Psyhotherapy of Childhood and Adolescence
Clinical-psychological Diagnostics
Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience of Psychopathology
Cognitive Processes in Information Organization
Cognitive Psychology
Communication skills in Croatian and Serbian 1
Communication skills in Croatian and Serbian 2
Communication skills in Croatian and Serbian 3
Communication skills in Croatian and Serbian 4
Communication skills in Croatian and Serbian 5
Community education
Comparative Adult Education
Comparative Education
Comparative- Historical Word Formation of Slavonic Languages
Comparative Literature 2 - Practical Classes I
Comparative Literature 2 - Practical Classes II
Comparative Literature 3 - Practical Classes
Comparative Syntax of Slavic Languages
Comparative Versification
Comperative Religions with the Introduction to Religiology
Competencies in teaching literature
Conservation Work
Construction of Social Reality
Contemporary American Drama
Contemporary analytic philosophy
Contemporary approaches to teaching and learning art history
Contemporary Chinese Politics and Economy 1
Contemporary Chinese Politics and Economy 2
Contemporary Czech Language (Phonetics and Phonology)
Contemporary Czech Language 2 (Morphology 1)
Contemporary Czech Language 3 (Morphology 2)
Contemporary Czech Language 4 (Syntax)
Contemporary Czech Language 5 (Lexicology)
Contemporary English Drama
Contemporary Folkloristics
Contemporary Folkloristics
Contemporary General History
Contemporary History of Southeast Europe
Contemporary Japanese 1
Contemporary Japanese 2
Contemporary Japanese 3
Contemporary linguistic theories 1
Contemporary linguistic theories 2
Contemporary Metaphysics
Contemporary Metaphysics CE
Contemporary Methods in Geographical Research
Contemporary Moral Philosophy
Contemporary Moral Philosophy CE
Contemporary Political Philosophy
Contemporary Problems of Ethics
Contemporary Slovene Drama
Contemporary Slovene Drama
Contemporary Slovene Novel
Contemporary Slovene Novel
Contemporary Slovene Novel
Contemporary Slovene Poetry
Contemporary Slovene Poetry
Contemporary Slovene Short Prose
Contemporary Slovene Short Prose
Contemporary Slovenian History
Contemporary Social Processes
Contemporary Social Theories
Contemporary Southern Slavic Literatures
Contemporary tendencies
Contemporary Theories of Geographical Research
Contemporary Theory and Methods in Art History
Contrastive Analysis
Contrastive Analysis of Slovene and English
Contrastive Slovene-French Text Analysis
Conversation tutorials
Corpus Linguistics
Corpus-Linguistic Analysis
Counselling and Guidance in Adult Education
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Counselling for children and adolescents
Creating inclusive learning environments
Creative Writing
Critical Museology and Museum Education
Critical Museology and Museum Education
Critical Reading and Writing
Critical Reading and Writing D
Critical Theory of Society
Croatian and Serbian Language 1
Croatian and Serbian Language 3
Croatian and Serbian Literature 1
Croatian and Serbian Literature 2
Croatian and Serbian Literature 5
Croatian and Serbian Literature 6
Cultural Analysis and Representations
Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Hermeneutics
Cultural History
Cultural History of the Western Slavs
Culture and Civilization 1 - Contemporary Spain
Culture and Civilization 2 - Spain from the Middle Ages to the Pressent Day
Culture and Civilization 3 - Latin America
Culture, Civilization and Early Literature
Cultures of Latin America
Cultures of Latin America
Cultures of the Ancient East
Current Debates in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Current Debates in Social and Cultural Anthropology
Curriculum Studies
Curriculum Studies
Czech and Slovak Literatures
Czech in Practice 1/1
Czech in Practice 1/2
Czech in Practice 2/1
Czech in Practice 2/2
Czech in Practice 3/1
Czech in Practice 3/2
Czech Literature of the 1st half of the 19th Century
Czech Literature of the 2nd half of the 19th Century
Descriptive Cataloguing
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive Translation Studies
Development Inequalities in Rural Areas
Development of Chinese Script
Development of Romance Languages
Development Psychology
Developmental psychodiagnostics
Developmental Psychology of Childhood
Didactic of Literature 1
Didactic of Literature 2
Didactic of Slovene Language 1
Didactic of Slovene Language 2
Didactic Strategies
Didactic Strategies
Didactic Strategies
Didactics I
Didactics I
Didactics II
Didactics II
Didactics of Adult Education
Didactics of Adult Education
Didactics of Adult Education
Didactics of classical and humanistic literature and culture 1
Didactics of classical and humanistic literature and culture 2
Didactics of Geography I
Didactics of Geography II
Didactics of Greek 1
Didactics of Greek 2
Didactics of History I C
Didactics of History I S
Didactics of History II C
Didactics of History II S
Didactics of History of Art I
Didactics of History of Art II
Didactics of Latin
Didactics of Latin
Didactics of library user education
Didactics of Philosophical Practices
Didactics of Philosophy and Ethics
Didactics of psychology
Didactics of Psychology
Didactics of South Slavic languages and literatures
Didactics of the Polish Language
Didactics of the Russian Language 1
Didactics of the Russian Language 2
Didactics of the Russian Language 3
Didactis of Sociology
Differential Psychology
Digital Culture
Digital language resources for Slovene
Digital language resources for Slovene
Digital Library
Digital library design and maintenance
Digital library design and maintenance C
Digital musicology 1
Digital Slovene Studies - Lectures
Digital Slovene Studies - Tutorial
Diploma Seminar
Diploma Seminar C
Discourse analysis
Discourse Intonation
Discourse Theory and Socio-linguistics
Dramatic Text
Dramatic Text
Dutch Language and Culture I
Dutch Language and Culture II
Dutch Language and Culture III
Dutch Language and Culture IV
Dutch Language and Culture V
Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in Context 1
Dutch Language, Literature and Culture in Context 2
Early Italian Literature
Early Medieval Archaeology – Selected Topics
Early Medieval Archaeology 1
Early Medieval Archaeology 2
Early Modern Philosophy 1
Early Modern Philosophy 2
Early Music 3
Early Music 3 C
Early Russian Literature
Early Slovene Literature
Ecological Anthropology
Economic Anthropology
Economic Geography
Economic Psychology
Editorial techniques
Editorial Techniques
Editorial Work
Education for Democratic Citizenship
Educational Diagnostic
Educational Gerontology
Educational leadership and management in schools
Educational Methodology
Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology
Educational Statistics
Educational Statistics
Elaboration of Environmental Research Projects and Environmental Impact Assessment
Elective course
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Bulgarian Language
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Croatian and Serbian Language
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Czech Language
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Czech Language
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Macedonian Language
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Russian Language
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Slovak Language
Elective Second Slavonic Language - Slovak Language
Elective Seminar: History of Western Poetry
Elective Seminar: Literary Criticism
Elective Seminar: Literary Rhetoric and Thematology
Elective Seminar: Modernity and Modernism in the History of Literature
Elective Seminar: The Novel
Electronic Publishing
Elementary Belarusian and Ukrainian
Elements of Italian Syntax
Emotions and Cognition
Employees' Career Development
English Discourse Analysis
English Drama
English for Translators VI
English Generative Grammar
English Grammar 1
English Grammar 2
English Grammar 3
English Grammar 4
English Historical Linguistics
English Language and Text
English Language and Translation 1
English Language and Translation 2
English Medieval Literature
English Morphology
English Novel in the 20th Century
English Phonetics and Phonology
English Phonetics for Translators and Interpreters
English Phraseology
English Romanticism
English Romanticism
English Syntax
English Variants
English Verb I
English Verb II
English Wordformation
English-Language Fiction of the 20th Century
English-Slovene Contrastive Grammar 1
English-Slovene Contrastive Grammar 2
English-Slovene Intercultural Studies
English-Slovene Translation
Environmental Archaeology
Environmental Geography
Environmental Psychology
Epigraphy – Selected Topics
Epistemology and Psychoanalysis
Epistemology of Everyday Life
Epistemology of History S
Epistemology of the Humanities and Social Sciences C
Epistemology of the Humanities and Social Sciences S
ESP for Translators
Ethics of Education
Ethnic American Literature
Ethnological Conservation
Ethnological Museology
Ethnological Studies of Slovenian Diasporas
Ethnology of Africa
Ethnology of Asia
Ethnology of Australia and Oceania
Ethnology of Europe
Ethnology of Slovenia
Ethnology of the Americas
Ethnology of the Balkans
Ethnology of the Balkans
Ethnology of the Balkans
Ethnology, Rituals, Habits
Ethnomusicology 3
Ethnomusicology 3 C
European Traditional Folk Beliefs
European Traditional Folk Beliefs S
Evaluation in education
Evolution of educational theories
Exercises in Modern Art I
Exercises in Modern Art II
Experiential Learning
Factors of effective learning
Family and Stress
Field Work in History in Elementary and Secondary School S
Fieldwork 1
Fieldwork 2
Fieldwork and excursions I
Fieldwork and Excursions I
Fieldwork and Excursions II
Fieldwork and excursions II
Fieldwork and Excursions III
Fieldwork and Excursions IV
Folk narratives in Slovenia
Folk Poetry, Music, and Dance of Slovenia
Folkloristics C
Folkloristics S
Folktale Studies - Between Linguistics and Literary Science
Formats and Carriers of Book Content
Foundational Works in Anthropology
Foundations of Analytic Philosophy
Foundations of Slovenian and International Book Market Research
French 1
French 2
French 3
French and Romance Languages
French Classicism
French Grammar 2
French grammar 3
French Grammar 4
French grammar I
French Language and Text formation
French Language and Text Formation 2
French Language and Translation 1
French Language and Translation 2
French language in Modern Usage I
French language in Modern Usage II
French language in Modern Usage III
French language teaching methodology 1
French language teaching methodology 2
French language teaching methodology 3
French Language Teaching Methodology: Teaching Practice
French Linguistic Theory
French Literature
French Literature
French Literature
French Literature and Other Literatures
French Literature Teaching Methodology
French Novel in 18th and 19th Century
French Orthography and Pronunciation
French Phonetics for Translators and Interpreters
French Poetry
French Society and Culture
French Society and Culture
French Society and Culture
French society and culture
French Speech
French Theater
From Ancient Slavonic to Old Church Slavonic
Functional Varieties of Russian 1
Functional Varieties of Russian 2
Functional Varieties of Russian for Teachers 1
Functional Varieties of Russian for Teachers 2
Functional Varieties of Slovene Language
Functional Varieties of Slovene Language
Functional Writing
Games in a Foreign Language Classroom
Gender and Body
Gender and Religion
Gender and Slovene Literature
Gender in education, intersectional perspective
General History of Early Modern Times
General History of Middle Ages
General History of the 19th Century
Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Geophysics
Geographical Methods of Scientific Research
Geography of Asia
Geography of Asia
Geography of Australia, Antarctica and Oceania
Geography of Australia, Antarctica and Oceania
Geography of Crisis Areas and Border Studies
Geography of Environmental Resources
Geography of Ethnic Questions
Geography of Europe
Geography of Karst Systems
Geography of Latin America
Geography of Latin America
Geography of Natural Hazards
Geography of North Africa and Southwest Asia
Geography of North Africa and Southwest Asia
Geography of North America
Geography of North America
Geography of Population and Settlements
Geography of Slovenia
Geography of Slovenia
Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa
Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa
Geography of Tourism and Transport
Geography of Tourist Areas
Geoinformatic Models, Simulations and Scenarios
Geoinformatical Support to Decision-Making
Geoinformatics I
Geoinformatics II
Geoinformatics III
German 1
German 1
German 1
German 2
German 2
German 2
German and Austrian Exile Literature 1933–1945
German and Slovene in Intercultural Communication
German for Art Historians I
German for Art Historians II
German for Art Historians III
German grammar 1
German grammar 2
German Grammar 3
German grammar 4 L + V
German in Historiography 1
German in Historiography 2
German in Historiography 3
German in History Sources
German Language and Translation 1
German Language 1
German Language 1
German Language 2
German Language 2
German Language and Text
German Language and Translation 2
German Language and Translation 3
German Language in Contextual Use I
German language in contextual use II
German Language in Practical Use I
German Language in Practical Use II
German Language in Practical Use III
German Language in System and Use I
German Language in System and Use II
German Language Teaching Methodology
German Literary and Cultural History I
German Literature - Periods and Traditions I - Practice
German Literature - Periods and Traditions I - Practice
German Literature – Periods and Traditions I C
German Literature – Periods and Traditions I E
German Literature - Periods and Traditions II - Lecture
German Literature - Periods and Traditions II - Lecture
German Literature - Periods and Traditions II - Practice
German Literature - Periods and Traditions II - Practice
German Literature – Periods and Traditions III
German Literature - Periods and Traditions III - Seminar
German Literature - Periods and Traditions IV - Lecture
German Literature - Periods and Traditions IV - Lectures
German Literature - Periods and Traditions IV - Practice
German Literature - Periods and Traditions IV - Seminar
German Literature - Periods and Traditions IV - Seminar
German Literature - Periods and Traditions V - Lecture
German Literature - Periods and Traditions V - Practice
German Literature - Periods and Traditions VI - Lecture
German literature 1
German literature 2
German Literature and Culture in Context I
German Phonetics for Translators and Interpreters
German Press on Slovenian Ethnic Territory
German society and culture 1
German Society, Culture, and Literature I
German Society, Culture, and Literature II
German Textlinguistics
German Texts Translation
German from Diachronic Perspective
German-Slovene Contrastive Grammar 1
German-Slovene Contrastive Grammar 2
Global Culture
Graduation Seminar from Linguistics
Grammar of Portugese Language 1
Grammar of Portugese Language 2
Grammar of Portugese Language 5
Grammar of Portugese Language 6
Grammar Seminar
Greek - Intensive Course
Greek Culture and Civilization
Greek Ethics
Greek History
Greek I
Greek II
Greek Metre
Greek Syntax
Greek World between the Hellenistic Era and Early Byzantium
Greek World between the Hellenistic Era and Early Byzantium
Hermeneutics 1
Hermeneutics 2
Hispanoamerican Literature
Historic Musical Instruments
Historical Anthropology
Historical Geography
Historical Indo-European Phonology I
Historical Indo-European Phonology II
Historical Linguistics
History and Styles of Jazz
History and Theory of Archaeology
History of Adult Education
History of Adult Education
History of Aestethics
History of Avant-gardes
History of East Asia
History of East Asia S
History of Education
History of Education
History of Education in Slovenia
History of English
History of film theory
History of Greek II (seminar)
History of Greek II (seminar)
History of Greek language
History of Institutions
History of Latin I (seminar)
History of Latin language
History of Modern Slovene Language
History of Modern Slovene Language
History of Music 1 (Music from Antiquity to the end of the 16th Century) C
History of Music 1 (Music from Antiquity to the end of the 16th Century) S
History of Music 1 (Music of the 17th and the 18th Centuries) C
History of Music 1 (Music of the 17th and the 18th Centuries) S
History of Music 2 (Music of the 18th and the 19th Centuries) C
History of Music 2 (Music of the 18th and the 19th Centuries) S
History of Music 2 (Symphonic music from 1750 to 1900) C
History of Music 2 (Symphonic music from 1750 to 1900) S
History of Music 3 (Music of the 20th and the 21st Centuries) C
History of Music 3 (Music of the 20th and the 21st Centuries) S
History of Music 3 (Selected musical works and poetics of composers of the 20th and the 21st Centuries) C
History of Music 3 (Selected musical works and poetics of composers of the 20th and the 21st Centuries) S
History of Russian Language
History of Southeast Europe in Early Modern Times
History of Southeast Europe in the 19th Century
History of Spanish Language
History of the Greek Language
History of the Greek Language
History of the Idea of European Integration S
History of the Latin Language
History of the Latin Language
History of the Novel
History of World Literature 3 - Practical Classes I
History of World Literature 3 - Practical Classes II
Hittite I/1
Hittite I/2
Hittite II/1
Hittite II/2
Hittite seminar
Hrvaški in srbski jezik 2
Human Ecology
Human Geography I
Human Geography II
Human Resource development and career counseling
Hungarian 1(I)
Hungarian 2 (II)
Hungarian 3 (I)
Hungarian 3 (II)
Hungarian Language 1 (II)
Hungarian Language 2 (I)
Indo-European Artifacts
Indo-European dialectology
Information Resources
Information Resources and Tools for Japonology Students
Information Seeking Strategies
Information Technology
Information Technology 2
Institutional Preschool and Family Education
Instrumental Folk Music and Folk Dance
Intelligence, giftedness, creativity
Interaction, group, application
Intercultural education
Intercultural Studies
Intercultural Studies – Austria
Intercultural Studies – Germany
Intercultural Studies – Germany INT
Intercultural Studies – Switzerland
Intercultural Studies I
Interculturality of Slovene territory - Lecture
Interculturality of Slovene territory - Seminar
Interlingual Communication (French)
Interlingual Communication and Culture 1: Polish Language
Interlingual Communication and Culture 1: The Slovak Language
Interlingual Communication and Culture 1: The Slovak Language
Interlingual Communication and Culture 2: Polish Language
Interlingual Communication and Culture 2: The Slovak Language
Interlingual Communication and Culture 3: Polish Language
Interlingual Communication and Culture 3: The Slovak Language
Interlingual Communication and Learning Czech as a Foreign Language 1
Interlingual Communication and Learning Czech as a Foreign Language 2
Interlingual Communication and Learning Czech as a Foreign Language 3
International Migrations and Diaspora
International Migrations and Diaspora
International Organizations for Translators
International perspectives in adult education
International perspectives in adult education
International Trends in Library and Information Science
Internet Information Sources
Interpretation of ancient mythology
Interpretation of Early Music – selected chapters
Interpretation of Greek and Latin Philosophical Texts
Interpretation of Literary Texts: Slovak short prose (20th century)
Interpretations of Greek Philosophy
Interpretations of Greek Philosophy CE
Interpreting for Translators
Intertextuality in Italian Literature 1
Intertextuality in Italian Literature 2
Introduction to Academic Writing and Presentation Techniques
Introduction to Adult Education
Introduction to Adult Education
Introduction to Art History
Introduction to Book Studies
Introduction to Book Studies 2
Introduction to Chinese Society
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Introduction to Comparative Literature C
Introduction to Comparative Literature S
Introduction to Counselling and Psychotherapy
Introduction to East Asian Studies
Introduction to Educational Methodology
Introduction to Educational Psychology
Introduction to English Psycholinguistics
Introduction to Ethnomusicology C - Lectures
Introduction to Ethnomusicology C - Tutorials
Introduction to Ethnomusicology S - Lectures
Introduction to Ethnomusicology S - Tutorials
Introduction to Film Studies
Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Studies
Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Studies
Introduction to General Linguistics
Introduction to General Linguististics
Introduction to Geography
Introduction to Globalisation Studies
Introduction to Greek Philology
Introduction to History
Introduction to Iconography
Introduction to Information Science
Introduction to Information Science 2
Introduction to Italian Linguistics
Introduction to Japanese Linguistics 1
Introduction to Japanese Linguistics 2
Introduction to Japanese Literature 1
Introduction to Japanese Literature 2
Introduction to Latin Philology
Introduction to Lexicology
Introduction to Library Science
Introduction to Linguistic Studies
Introduction to linguistic typology
Introduction to Linguistic Typology
Introduction to Literary Theory
Introduction to Literary Theory
Introduction to Literary Theory
Introduction to Literary Theory C
Introduction to Literary Theory S
Introduction to Literature Studies
Introduction to Medieval and Humanistic Studies
Introduction to Methods for Geographers
Introduction to Musicology C - Lectures
Introduction to Musicology C - Tutorials
Introduction to Musicology S - Lectures
Introduction to Musicology S - Tutorials
Introduction to Mythology
Introduction to Oral Translation
Introduction to Organisation of Information
Introduction to Philosophy C
Introduction to Philosophy S
Introduction to Pragmatics
Introduction to Pragmatics
Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Introduction to Psycholinguistics
Introduction to Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to psychology of work and organisation
Introduction to Research Work
Introduction to Research Work
Introduction to Scholarly Communication
Introduction to Slavic Philology
Introduction to Slavistic Studies
Introduction to Slavonic Linguistics
Introduction to Slovene Art History
Introduction to Social Psychology
Introduction to sociological research I
Introduction to sociological research II
Introduction to Sociological research II
Introduction to Sociology I
Introduction to Sociology II
Introduction to Sociology of Culture I
Introduction to Sociology of Culture II
Introduction to Sociology of Culture II
Introduction to the Discourse Analysis
Introduction to the Etymological Method and the Study of Sources
Introduction to the French Syntax
Introduction to the Grammar of the French Language
Introduction to the History of English
Introduction to the History of English INT
Introduction to the history of Japan
Introduction to the Methodology of Scientific Research
Introduction to the Study of Italian Literature
Introduction to the Study of Language
Introduction to the Study of Language
Introduction to the Study of Literature - Practical Classes
Introduction to the Study of Russian Literature
Introduction to the Study of Slovene Literature
Introduction to the Study of Slovene Literature
Introduction to the Study of the Modern French and Francophone Literatures
Introduction to Translation
Introduction to Translation and the Information Society
Introduction to Web Design
Introducton to Slovenian sign language
Introductory Seminar in Iconography
Introductory Seminar in Slovene Art from 1800 to the Present
Introductory Seminar in Slovene Art History (combined course)
Introductory Seminar in Slovene Art History (single course)
Introductory Seminar to General Art History (combined course)
Introductory Seminar to General Art History (single course)
Italian 1
Italian 1
Italian 2
Italian 2
Italian 3
Italian and the Romance Languages
Italian Conversation 1
Italian Culture and Civilization 1
Italian Culture and Civilization 2
Italian Film 1
Italian for Special Purposes for Translators
Italian for Specific Purposes
Italian Grammar 1
Italian Grammar 2
Italian Grammar 3
Italian Grammar 4
Italian in Use 1
Italian in Use 2
Italian Language and Text
Italian Language and Translation 1
Italian language and Translation 2
Italian Language Exercises 1
Italian Language Exercises 2
Italian Language Teaching Methodology 1
Italian Language Teaching Methodology 2
Italian Language Teaching Methodology 3
Italian Language Teaching Methodology: Teaching Practice
Italian Linguistics Seminar
Italian Literary Criticism
Italian literature 1
Italian literature 2
Italian literature 3
Italian Phonetics for translators and interpreters
Italian society and culture II
Italian society and culture 1
Italian society and culture 3
Italian society and culture II
Italian Stylistics
Italian verb 1
Italian verb 2
Italian-Slovene Contrastive Grammar 1
Italian-Slovene Contrastive Grammar 2
Japanese Didactics 1
Japanese Didactics 2 - Pedagogical Praxis
Japanese Language in Media
Japanese Language in Practice 1
Japanese Language in Practice 2
Japanese Linguistics 1
Japanese Music 3
Japanese Music 4
Japanese Society 1
Japanese Society 2
Journalist Text and Advertising Copy
Journalist Text and Advertising Copy
Journalist Text and Advertising Copy
Kinship and Social Structure
Knowledge Organisation Systems
Knowledge Organisation Systems 2
Korean Art 2
Korean Culture
Korean Linguistics
Korean Literature: Reading of the Original Texts
Korean Phonetics 1
Korean Tradition and Modernity
Korean Writing 1
Landscape Ecology
Language A in Theory and Practice 1: Polish
Language A in Theory and Practice 2: Polish
Language A in Theory and Practice: Slovene
Language acquisition
Language and Culture
Language B in Practice 1
Language B in Practice 2
Language B in Practice 4
Language Competences
Language Exercises I
Language Exercises II
Language Exercises II C
Language in Use I
Language in Use II
Language in Use II
Language in Use III
Language Norms and Language Culture
Language Norms and Language Culture
Language of the Media
Language Phenomena and Processes in Language Contact Situations
Language Policies and Language Planning
Language Policies and Language Planning
Language resources management
Language System I (Morphology - Lectures)
Language System I (Morphology - Tutorial)
Language System I (Phonetics - Lectures)
Language System I (Phonetics - Tutorial)
Language System II (Syntax)
Language System III (Word Formation)
Language System IV (Lexicology)
Language Technologies
Language Testing and Assessment
Language Typology I
Laryngeal theory
Late Medieval and Renaissance Art in Western Europe I
LateX for linguists
LateX for linguists
Latin - Intensive Course
Latin 1
Latin 1
Latin 1
Latin 2
Latin 2
Latin 2
Latin 3
Latin 4
Latin and German Literature in the Slovene Territory
Latin and German Literature in the Slovene Territory
Latin for Students of French A1
Latin for Students of French A2
Latin for Students of Italian A1
Latin for Students of Italian A2
Latin I
Latin I
Latin I
Latin II
Latin II
Latin III
Latin IV
Latin Palaeography
Latin Syntax I
Latin, Intensive Course I
Latin, Intensive Course II
Learning and Teaching of German to Young Learners
Learning in Groups
Learning Strategies in Foreign Language Learning
Legal and Economic Basis of Education
Lexicology of Slavic Languages
Libraries and Social Media
Library Automation
Library Collection Development
Library management
Library management C
Life Styles and Family Praxis INT
Linguistic Analysis of Pre-19th Century Slovene Texts
Linguistic Analysis of Pre-19th Century Slovene Texts
Linguistic Culture
Linguistic Culture
Linguistic Norms and Standard Russian
Linguistic Seminar
Literacy for the Information Society - Lecture
Literary Didactics
Literary Discourse in 20th Century Western Slavic Literatures
Literary Discourse Theory
Literary Discourse Theory
Literary Discourse Theory
Literary Interpretation
Literary Life and Performative Arts in Antiquity
Literary Relations in the Middle Ages and the Modern Early Period
Literary Seminar
Literary System I - Lectures
Literary System I - Practice
Literary System I - Tutorial
Literary System II - Lecture
Literary System II - Practice
Literary System II C
Literary Theory
Literary Theory
Literary Translation
Literary Translation
Literature 1: Periodization 1
Literature 2: Periodization 2
Literature 3
Literature 3: 19th, 20th and 21st Century Spanish Prose
Literature 4: Spanish American 19th, 20th and 21st Century Narrative
Literature 5: Spanish and Spanish American Poetry
Literature 6: Spanish and Spanish American Theatre
Literature and Cultural Institutions
Literature and Cultural Institutions
Literature and Cultural Institutions
Literature and Culture of French Enlightenment
Literature and Ethics
Literature and the Media
Literature for Librarians and Publishers
Literature for School Use
Literature for School Use
Literature for School Use
Literature for Teens and Young Adults
Literature in Practice 1
Literature of the USA
Logic and Argumentation
MA thesis in Didactics and Teaching Methodology for Italian as FL/L2
Macedonian Language 1
Macedonian Language 2
Macedonian Language 3
Macedonian Language 4
Macedonian Literature
Man and Cosmos in the Renaissance
Management and financial management for publishers
Management for librarians and publishers
Management of information sources
Managment in Culture
Marketing for librarians and publishers
Marxism and Critical Theory
Master Seminar
Master Seminar
Master’s Thesis
Masters Seminar
Master's Seminar and Master's Thesis
Master's Seminar and Master's Thesis
Master's Seminar and Master's Thesis
Master's Seminar in Linguistics
Master's Seminar in Linguistics
Master's Seminar in Literature
Master's Seminar in Literature
Master's Seminar: Language
Master's Seminar: Literature
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis in Italian Language
Master's Thesis in Italian Literature
Material Culture
Material Culture
Media and Cultural Studies
Medical Anthropology
Medieval and humanistic Latin culture
Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy 1
Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy 2
Medieval Art in Slovenia I
Medieval Art in Slovenia II
Medieval History of Southeast Europe
Medieval History of Southeast Europe
Medievalistic Linguistics I
Mentoring and Mentors Education
Methodological Challenges in Ethnological and Anthropological Research
Methodological Seminar for Diploma Thesis
Methodological Seminar for Diploma Thesis C
Methodological Seminar for Master Thesis
Methodologies of Linguistics
Methodology and Epistemology of Literary Criticism
Methodology C
Methodology C, E
Methodology in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Methodology of Intercultural Studies
Methodology of linguistic reaearch
Methodology of Linguistic Research
Methodology of Literature
Methodology of Psychological Research
Methodology of Slovene Linguistics
Methodology of Slovene Literary Research
Methodology S
Methods and Techniques in Psychotherapy and Psychological Counselling
Methods and Techniques of Teaching English
Methods of Adult Education
Methods of Music Analysis 3
Methods of Music Analysis 3 C
Methods of Scientific Research (Literature)
Modern and Contemporary Art in Slovenia I
Modern and Contemporary Art in Western Europe I
Modern Approaches to Latin and Greek Linguistics
Modern China
Modern Conservation
Modern French and Francophone Literatures
Modern German Literature
Modern German Literature
Modern Greek - Introduction Course
Modern Greek I
Modern Greek II
Modern Greek III
Modern Greek literature and civilization I
Modern Greek literature and civilization II
Modern Italian Language 1
Modern Italian Language 2
Modern Italian Language 3
Modern Italian Language 4
Modern Italian Literature
Modern Italian Literature 1
Modern Italian Literature 2
Modern Japanese Literature
Modern Korean 1
Modern Korean 2
Modern Korean 3
Modern Music 3
Modern Music 3 C
Modern Persian 1
Modern Russian Language I – Practical Course
Modern Russian Language I/1-2 - Practical Course for other than students of Russian Language and Literature
Modern Russian Language I/3-4 Practical Course for other than students of Russian Language and Literature
Modern Russian Language II – Practical Course
Moral Philosophy
Morphology 1
Morphology II
Morphology of Modern Slovene Language
Morphology of Modern Slovene Language
Morphology of Polish Language I
Morphology of Polish Language II
Morphosyntax 1
Morphosyntax 2
Morphosyntax of the French Noun Phrase
Morphosyntax of the French Verb
Motivation and Emotions
Motives and Themes in Slovene Literature
Mountain Geography and Geography of Protected Areas
MPhil thesis with presentation
Multivariate Methods
Music Journalism 3
Music Journalism 3 C
Music practice 1
Music Theory 1A - Lectures
Music Theory 1A - Seminars
Music Theory 1A - Tutorials
Music Theory 1B - Lectures
Music Theory 1B - Lectures 1
Music Theory 1B - Seminars
Music Theory 1B - Tutorials 2
Music Theory 2A C - Lectures
Music Theory 2A C - Seminar
Music Theory 2A C - Tutorials 1
Music Theory 2A C - Tutorials 2
Music Theory 2A S - Lectures
Music Theory 2A S - Seminar
Music Theory 2A S - Tutorials 1
Music Theory 2A S - Tutorials 2
Music Theory 2B C - Lectures
Music Theory 2B C - Seminar
Music Theory 2B C - Tutorials 1
Music Theory 2B C - Tutorials 2
Music Theory 2B S - Lectures
Music Theory 2B S - Seminar
Music Theory 2B S - Tutorials 1
Music Theory 2B S - Tutorials 2
Music Theory 3A C - Lectures
Music Theory 3A C - Seminar
Music Theory 3A C - Tutorials
Music Theory 3A S - Lectures
Music Theory 3A S - Seminar
Music Theory 3A S - Tutorials
Music Theory 3B C - Lectures
Music Theory 3B C - Seminar
Music Theory 3B S - Lectures
Music Theory 3B S - Seminar
Musical Acoustics
Musical Acoustics C
Musical Aesthetics 2
Musical Aesthetics 2 C
Musical lyrics in the 19th century
Musical Paleography
Musical Theatre 3
Musical Theatre 3 C
Musicological Workplace Experience
Musicological Workplace Experience
Musics of the World: Anthropology of Music
Musics of the World: Anthropology of Music C
Music-theatrical works in the music education
Narrative Text
Narrative Text
National Literatures - Practical Classes
Nationalisms, racisms and gender politics
Neolithic and Eneolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics
Neolithic Population and Cultural Dynamics in Europe and Asia Minor
New American Literature
New English Literature
New Research Approaches C, CP
New Research Approaches S
Nietzsche and Slovene Literature
Normative Ethics and Theory of Action
Observation Practicum in Didactics
Observation Practicum in Psychology
Observational Practicum in Andragogy
Old American Literature
Old Church Slavic – Verbal Morphology II
Old Church Slavonic
Old Church Slavonic – Verbal Morphology
Old Church Slavonic – Verbal Morphology I
Old Czech and Slovak Literature
Old Slovene Literature
Old Slovene Literature
Old Slovene Literature
Oral expression course
Organisation and conduct of excursion and field work
Organisation of Library Collections
Organisation of Library Collections 2
Organization of information
Organization of information C
Organization of Information Resources
Organizational Psychology
Organizational Psychology-praktikum
Overview of Indo-European Languages
Overview of the Cultural History of Southern Slavic Nations
Overview of the history of the Slovene language
Overwiev of the methods of Historical Linguistics
Palaeography of Modern Times
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology – Selected Topics
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology 1
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology 2
Pedagogical Practice
Pedagogical Work with Learners with Special Needs
Pedagogy and Andragogy for Psychologists
Periods and Styles in Slovene Literature
Periods and Styles in Slovene Literature
Personality Psychology
Personality Psychology
Personnel Psychology
Phenomenological and Cultural Hermeneutics
Phenomenology 1
Phenomenology 2
Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion
Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion - INT
Phenomenology and Philosophy of Religion CE
Philosophical Anthropology
Philosophical Problems of Contemporary Logic
Philosophy and History of Science
Philosophy and Humanities
Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
Philosophy of Art and Culture
Philosophy of Art and Culture CE
Philosophy of Cognitive Science
Philosophy of Cognitive Science CE
Philosophy of cognitive science for linguists
Philosophy of Consciousness and Life
Philosophy of History
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Nature
Philosophy of Religion
Phonetics and Phonology
Phonetics and phonology
Phonetics and Phonology of Modern Slovene Language
Phonetics and Phonology of Modern Slovene Language
Phonetics and Phonology of Polish Language
Photography and Media of Contemporary Art
Physical Geography I
Physical Geography II
Physical Geography of Karst
Planning and assessing information retrieval systems
Planning of Modal Education and Discipline Practices
Planning of Modal Education and Discipline Practices
Polish Contemporary Novel
Polish Contemporary Novel
Polish in Practice I – Culture and Civilization, Conversation 1
Polish in Practice I – Culture and Civilization, Conversation 2
Polish in Practice II – Culture and Civilization, Conversation 3
Polish in Practice II – Culture and Civilization, Conversation 4
Polish in Practice III – Culture and Civilization, Conversation 5
Polish in Practice III – Culture and Civilization, Conversation 6
Polish Literature until Modernism I
Polish Literature until Modernism II
Political Anthropology
Political Geography
Political Philosophy
Politics, Society, Economics
Popular Cultures
Popular Music
Popular Music - Lectures
Popular Music - Seminar
Popular Music C - Lectures
Popular Music C - Seminar
Portuguese Culture and Civilisation 1
Portuguese language 1
Portuguese language 2
Portuguese language 3
Portuguese language 4
Portuguese language 5
Portuguese language 6
Portuguese literature 1
Portuguese literature 2
Portuguese literature 5
Portuguese literature 6
Positive Psychology
Post)Colonial Literatures in English
Postcolonial Societies and Cultures
Postmodern American Literature
Postmodern American Literature
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language - Russian language
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Bulgarian 3-4
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Czech 1–2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Macedonian 1-2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Macedonian 1-2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Macedonian 3–4
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Modern Bulgarian Language 1-2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Modern Croatian and Serbian Language 1-2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Modern Croatian and Serbian Language 3-4
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Modern Czech Language 3-4
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Modern Polish Language 1-2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Modern Polish Language 3-4
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language II: Modern Slovak Language 1–2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III - Modern Polish Language 1-2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Bulgarian 1–2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Bulgarian 3–4
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Bulgarian 5–6
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Macedonian 3–4
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Modern Croatian and Serbian Language 1-2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Modern Croatian and Serbian Language 3-4
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Modern Croatian and Serbian Language 5-6
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Modern Czech Language 1-2
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Modern Czech Language 3-4
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Modern Czech Language 5-6
Practical Course in a Modern Slavonic Language III: Slovak 1–2
Practical Course in Auxiliary Historical Sciences
Practical Ethics
Practical Pedagogical Work
Practical Pedagogical Work in Slovene Language and Literature Didactics 1
Practical Pedagogical Work in Slovene Language and Literature Didactics 2
Practical Pedagogical Work in Slovene Language Didactics
Practical Pedagogical Work in Slovene Literature Didactics
Practical Philosophy
Practical Philosophy between Kant and Hegel
Practical Polish for Teachers
Practical Polish for Teachers I
Practicum with seminar C
Practicum with the Seminar S
Practise of Teaching Sociology
Pragmatic Aspects of Phraseology
Pragmatics in French
Pre-Diploma Seminar General Ethnology, Urban, Modern and Traditional Lifeways
Pre-diploma Seminar in Contemporary Ethnological and Anthropological Topics
Pre-diploma Seminar in Regional Ethnology, Anthropology and Folkloristics
Preschool and Family Education
Preschool and Family Education I
Preschool and Family Education II
Preservation and Conservation of Written and Graphic Materials
Procedures, Strategies and Methods of Translation
Professional Aspects of Translation
Professional placement
Professional placement C
Program planning in adult education
Program planning in adult education
Programs and Coursebooks in ELT
Pronunciation and Spelling Norms of Slovene Modern Language
Proofreading of written and spoken texts
Proofreading of written and spoken texts S
Prosodic Features of English
Psychological Anthropology
Psychological Aspects of Psychopatology
Psychological Interventions in Education
Psychological Prevention
Psychology for Teachers
Psychology of consumers
Psychology of Learning
Psychology of Learning in Adult Education
Psychology of Music
Psychology of Organizational Dynamic
Psychology of Social Power and Social Influence
Psychology of work
Psychopathology and Social Pathology
Psychophysiology and neurophysiology of mental processes
Psycho-social Relations in School
Psyhology of Adolescence and Adulthood
Public Archaeology
Public Speaking
Publishing marketing
Qualitative Psychological Research
Reading and Interpretation of English Technical Texts for Geographers
Reading and reading audiences
Reading Seminar
Realism and Naturalism C
Realism and Naturalism S
Recent Trends in German Linguistics I
Recent Trends in German Linguistics II
Reference services organisation and management
Reference services organisation and management C
Reformulation on Sentence-and Text-Level
Regional Development and Regional Policy
Regional Planning
Regions and Regionalisms in Slovenia
Religions and Modern Society
Religions of Asia
Religions of Asia
Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology
Research and Project Work
Research in Education
Research into the Teaching Process
Research Methodology
Research methods
Research methods in linguistics
Research Seminar
Research seminar (ped.): intepretation of Latin texts
Research seminar (ped.): intepretation of Latin texts
Research seminar (ped.): intepretation of Latin texts
Research seminar (ped.): intepretation of Latin texts
Research seminar in adult education
Research seminar: intepretation of Latin texts 1
Research seminar: intepretation of Latin texts 2
Research seminar: interpretation of Greek texts 1
Research seminar: interpretation of Greek texts 2
Rhetoric of Speech
Rhetoric of Speech
Roman Archaeology – Selected Topics
Roman Archaeology 1
Roman Archaeology 2
Roman History
Roman Literature and Civilization
Roman Metre
Romance Linguistics
Romanian I
Romanian I
Romanian II
Romanian III
RU2 Master's Seminar and Master's Thesis
RU2 Master's Seminar and Master's Thesis
Rural Geography
Russian Classical Literature - Russian Realism
Russian Classical Literature - the Era of Realism
Russian Literature -– the Era of Classicism and Romanticism
Russian Literature – the Era of Realism
Russian Literature – the Era of Symbolism and Post-Symbolism
Russian Literature - The Period of Postmodernism and Contemporary Cultural Situations
Russian Literature - The Period of Postmodernism and Contemporary Cultural Situations
Russian Literature - The Period of the Avant-Garde and Soviet Literature 1
Sanskrit I/1
Sanskrit I/2
Sanskrit II/1
Sanskrit II/2
School Counseling
School Counseling I
School Pedagogy
School psychological counselling
Science, Technology and Human Experience
Science, Technology and Human Experience CE
Scientific Research and MA Seminar - Linguistics
Scientific Research and MA Seminar - Literary Studies
Scientific Research Work in Foreign Language Pedagogy
Scientific Research Work in the Didactics of German as a Foreign Language
Score Playing 1
Score Playing 1
Score Playing 2
Second Foreign Language I
Second Slavic Language - Polish
Second Slavic Language – Polish
Selected Chapters from Contemporary Central European History
Selected Chapters from Contemporary History of Southeast Europe
Selected Chapters from Czech, Polish and Slovak linguistics
Selected Chapters from General History of Early Modern Times
Selected Chapters from General History of the 19th Century
Selected Chapters from General History of the Middle Ages
Selected Chapters from History of Southeast Europe in the 19th Century
Selected Chapters from Late Antiquity
Selected Chapters from Mediaeval History of Southeast Europe
Selected Chapters from Slovenian History in Early Modern Times
Selected Chapters from Slovenian History of the 19th Century
Selected Chapters from Slovenian Mediaeval History
Selected chapters from the history of linguistics
Selected Chapters from the Russian linguistics for teachers
Selected Chapters in Chinese Literature
Selected chapters in Indo-European comparative linguistics
Selected chapters in literary theory
Selected Geographic Contents for Geography Teachers
Selected Linguistics Topics 2
Selected Linguistics Topics 2
Selected Literary Topics 1
Selected Literary Topics 1
Selected Themes in Preschool Education
Selected Topics in Anthropology of Japan
Selected topics in Art of the Early and High Middle Ages in Western Europe I: Byzantine Art
Selected Topics in Asian Philosophies
Selected Topics in Chinese Art 1
Selected Topics in Chinese Art 2
Selected Topics in Chinese Culture 1
Selected Topics in Classical Art II: Perception and Reception of Greek and Roman Antiquity in Continental and Mediterranean Europe
Selected Topics in Classical German Philosophy
Selected Topics in Classical German Philosophy CE
Selected Topics in Contemporary General History C
Selected Topics in Contemporary General History S
Selected Topics in Contemporary History of Southeast Europe Sž
Selected Topics in Contemporary Philosophy
Selected Topics in Contemporary Slovenian History C
Selected Topics in Contemporary Slovenian History S
Selected Topics in Contemporary Slovenian Local History
Selected topics in didactic of Slovene language
Selected Topics in Didactics I
Selected Topics in Early Modern Philosophy
Selected Topics in Early Modern Philosophy CE
Selected Topics in General History of Early Modern Times
Selected Topics in General History of the 19th Century
Selected Topics in General History of the Middle Ages S
Selected Topics in Greek Literature
Selected Topics in Greek Literature
Selected Topics in Greek Literature
Selected Topics in Greek Literature
Selected Topics in Greek Literature - seminar 1
Selected Topics in Greek Literature - seminar 2
Selected Topics in Greek Literature CC
Selected Topics in Greek Literature CC
Selected Topics in Greek Literature CC 1/I (seminar)
Selected Topics in Greek Literature CC 1/II (seminar)
Selected Topics in Greek Literature CC 2/I
Selected Topics in Greek Literature CC 2/II
Selected Topics in Greek Literature CC 2/II (seminar)
Selected Topics in Greek Literature DD 2/I (seminar)
Selected Topics in History of Southeast Europe in Early Modern Times
Selected Topics in History of Southeast Europe in Early Modern Times
Selected Topics in History of Southeast Europe in the 19th Century
Selected topics in information science
Selected Topics in Late Antiquity
Selected Topics in Latin Literature
Selected Topics in Latin Literature
Selected Topics in Latin Literature
Selected Topics in Latin Literature
Selected Topics in Latin Literature - seminar 1
Selected Topics in Latin Literature - seminar 1 (seminar)
Selected Topics in Latin Literature - seminar 2
Selected Topics in Latin Literature (Late Republic)
Selected Topics in Latin Literature (Roman Comedy)
Selected Topics in Latin Literature CC 1/I
Selected Topics in Latin literature CC 1/I (seminar)
Selected Topics in Latin Literature CC 1/II
Selected Topics in Latin Literature CC 1/II (seminar)
Selected Topics in Latin Literature CC 2/I
Selected Topics in Latin Literature CC 2/I (seminar)
Selected Topics in Latin Literature CC 2/II
Selected Topics in Latin Literature CC 2/II (seminar)
Selected Topics in Mediaeval History of Southeast Europe S
Selected Topics in Medieval and Modern Art in Slovenia II: Early modern art and architecture in Inner Austrian lands
Selected topics in Medieval Art in Slovenia I: Slovenian Regional Art in Middle Ages and Renaissance
Selected topics in Modern and Contemporary Art in Slovenia I: Slovene Art from 1800 to the Present
Selected Topics in Poststructuralism and Psychoanalysis
Selected Topics in Poststructuralism and Psychoanalysis CE
Selected Topics in Slovenian History of Early Modern Times
Selected Topics in Slovenian History of the 19th Century
Selected Topics in Slovenian Mediaeval History
Selected Topics in Taiwan Studies
Selected Topics on Japanese History of Thought
Semantics and Pragmatics
Seminar – Old Church Slavonic
Seminar Exercises from Ancient History
Seminar Exercises from Modern History
Seminar from Cyrillic Graphics
Seminar in American Literature
Seminar in Contemporary Ethnological and Anthropological Topics
Seminar in Contemporary History of Southeast Europe
Seminar in Contemporary Slovenian History
Seminar in General Ethnology, Urban, Modern and Traditional Lifeways
Seminar in General History of Early Modern Times
Seminar in General History of Middle Ages
Seminar in Greek History
Seminar in History of the First World War
Seminar in Literary Analysis C
Seminar in Literary Analysis S
Seminar in Regional Ethnology, Anthropology and Folkloristics
Seminar in Roman History
Seminar in Slovenian History of the 19th Century
Seminar in Translation from Italian
Seminar of Contemporary Slovene Dramatics
Seminar of Contemporary Slovene Poetry
Seminar on the 20th and 21st Century Russian Culture
Seminar on the History of Russian Culture
Seminar on Translation into Italian 1
Seminar on Translation into Italian 2
Services for Users of Information Organisations
Slovak in Practice I/1
Slovak in Practice I/2
Slovak in Practice II/1
Slovak in Practice II/2
Slovak in Practice III/2
Slovak Literature of the 1st half of the 20th Century
Slovak Literature of the 2nd half of the 20th Century
Slovene Art from 1800 to the Present
Slovene as a Second and as a Foreign Language
Slovene Dialectology
Slovene Dialectology
Slovene Dialectology
Slovene Dialectology
Slovene Dialects
Slovene Drama 1900-1950
Slovene Drama 1900-1950
Slovene English Translation
Slovene English Translation
Slovene for Students of German
Slovene for Translators
Slovene for Translators
Slovene Historical Morphology and Syntax
Slovene Language
Slovene language and society
Slovene Language for Teachers
Slovene lexicon and grammar - Lecture C
Slovene lexicon and grammar - lectures
Slovene lexicon and grammar - tutorial
Slovene lexicon and grammar - Tutorial C
Slovene Literature
Slovene Literature of the 19th Century
Slovene Literature of the 19th Century
Slovene Novel in Context
Slovene Philosophy and Philosophical Terminology
Slovene Phraseology
Slovene Phraseology
Slovene Poetry 1900-1950
Slovene Poetry 1900-1950
Slovene Prose 1900-1950
Slovene Prose 1900-1950
Slovene Traditional Phonetics and Phonology with Accent
Slovene: sociolinguistics and discourse analysis - lecture
Slovene-English Translation I
Slovene-English Translation II
Slovene-English Translation III
Slovene-English Translation IV
Slovene-French Translation I
Slovene-German Translation III
Slovene-German Translation IV
Slovene-Italian Contrastive Analysis
Slovene-Italian Translation III
Slovene-Italian Translation IV
Slovenian Art Music after 1918 C - Lectures
Slovenian Art Music after 1918 D - Seminar
Slovenian Art Music after 1918 E - lectures
Slovenian Art Music after 1918 E - Seminar
Slovenian Art Music until 1918 C
Slovenian Art Music until 1918 S
Slovenian History in Early Modern Times
Slovenian History of the 19th Century
Slovenian Medieval History
Slovenian Music 3
Slovenian Music 3 - A
Slovenian music 3 - A
Slovenian Music 3 C
Slovenian sign language Linguistics
Slovenian-French Translation IV
Social Changes and Development
Social Dimensions of Slovene Language
Social Dimensions of Slovene Language
Social Geography
Social History
Social Memory
Social Philosophy
Social Relations in Slovenia
Social Research Methodology C
Social Research Methodology S
Socialisation in Adulthood
Society and culture 3
Society and Culture of the USA
Society and Culture of the USA
Sociolinguistics and discourse analysis
Sociological reading and writing and informational practicum
Sociological reading and writing and informational practicum
Sociology of Adult Education
Sociology of Community
Sociology of Education
Sociology of Education I
Sociology of Education I
Sociology of Education II
Sociology of European and Global Integrations
Sociology of Everyday Life
Sociology of Gender
Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
Sociology of Knowledge and Science
Sociology of Material Culture
Sociology of Media
Sociology of Media and Communication
Sociology of Music
Sociology of Nation and Nationalism
Sociology of Religion
Sociology of Social Movements and Political Institutions
Sociology of the Book and Reading
Sociology of Theatre
Sociology of Violence and Deviance
Sociology of Visual Arts
Sociology of Youth
Sociology of Youth Cultures
Soil Geography and Biogeography
South Slavonic Literatures
South Slavonic Societies and Cultures 1
South Slavonic Societies and Cultures 2
South Slavonic Societies and Cultures 3: Bulgaria
South Slavonic Societies and Cultures 3: Croatia
South Slavonic Societies and Cultures 3: Serbia
Southern Slavic Societies and Cultures
Southern Slavic Societies and Cultures 1
Southern Slavic Societies and Cultures 2
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Spanish 3
Spanish and Hispano-American Connections
Spanish Conversation 1
Spanish Conversation 2: Spanish and Latin American Film
Spanish for specific purposes D
Spanish language 1
Spanish language 2
Spanish language 3
Spanish language 4
Spanish Language Teaching Methodology 1
Spanish Language Teaching Methodology 2
Spanish Language Teaching Methodology: Teaching Practice
Spanish Medieval Literature C
Spanish Medieval Literature S
Spanish phonetics and phonology and word formation
Spanish Prose of the Golden Age
Spanish Prose of the Golden Age
Spanish Syntax
Spanish Theatre
Spanish Verb 1
Spanish Verb 2
Spanish-language literature and other arts
Spatial and Landscape Archaeology
Special Areas of Translation: Consecutive Interpreting and Community Interpreting - Basic Skills
Special areas of translation: Legal translation
Special areas of translation: Semantics
Special areas of translation: Translation of Literary Texts
Special areas of translation: Translation technologies
Special Topics in Late Medieval and Early Modern Art in Western Europe II: Humanistic Themes, Symbolism, Emblematics
Special Topics in Museology II: Heritage as a means of transmitting information
Specialised Text
Specialised Text
Specialised Writing
Specialized Translation Slovene into German
Specialized Translation Slovene into Russian 1
Specialized Translation Slovene into Russian 2
Specific Issues of the Epistemology of Historical Studies
Specific Topics in Japanese Art
Speech communication and public speaking
Spoken Discourse
Sport and Humanities – Body Practices of Selected Topics in Medicine and Prevention
Sport and Humanities – Selected Chapters from History of Sport
Sport and Humanities – Selected Chapters from Philosophy of Sport
Sport and Humanities – Selected Chapters from Sociology of Sport I
Sport and Humanities – Selected Chapters from Sociology of Sport II
Standard Chinese 1
Standard Chinese 1
Standard Chinese 1 Conversation
Standard Chinese 1 Phonetics
Standard Chinese 2
Standard Chinese 2 Conversation
Standard Chinese 3
Standard Chinese 3
Standard Chinese 3 Writing
Standard Slovene - Lectures
Standard Slovene - Lectures C
Standard Slovene - Tutorial
Statistical Inference
Strategies of Education Development/ International Education
Structuralism, Psychoanalysis, Philosophy
Structure and Development of Historical Science
Structure of Russian Language – Grammar Overview
Structure of Russian Language – Lexicology and Phraseology
Structure of Russian Language – Morphology I
Structure of Russian Language – Morphology II (Verb)
Structure of Russian Language – Phonetics and Phonology
Structure of Russian Language – Syntax
Stylistics of Slovak language
Subject Representation of Documents
Survey of 20th-century French Poetry and Prose
Survey of 20th-century French Theater
Survey of Applied Linguistics
Survey of General Linguistics
Survey of Russian Cultural History
Survey of World Literature
Swedish Language and Culture I
Swedish Language and Culture II
Swedish Language and Culture III
Swedish Language and Culture IV
Swedish Language and Culture V
Swedish Language, Literature and Culture in Context 1
Swedish Language, Literature and Culture in Context 2
Symbolic Logic
Synchronic Italian Linguistics
Syntax and Stylistics of Polish Language
Syntax and Text
Syntax of Modern Slovene Language
Syntax of Modern Slovene Language
Taiwan's Status and Role in the International Community
Target Groups in Adult Education
Target groups in adult education
Teaching English Across Groups
Teaching English for Specific Purposes
Teaching of information literacy
Teaching of information literacy C
Teaching Practice - geography
Teaching Practice I
Teaching Practice II
Teaching Practice II
Teaching Practice in History D
Teaching Practice in History S
Teaching Slovene as a Foreign Language
Teaching Slovene as a Foreign Language
Test Theory
Testing in ELT
Text Linguistics
Text linguistics
Text Linguistics
Text Linguistics 1
Text Linguistics 2
Text Phonetics of Slovene Modern Language
Text Semantics
The Art System and Exhibiting Contemporary Art
The Basics of the Slovenian language for Students of Western Slavic Languages
The Basis of Human Thought
The Culture of Architecture and Living
The Culture of Islam
The Endogenous Development of Rural Areas
The Fundamentals of English Language Teaching
The Habsburg Myth in Literature, History and Film
The History of Slovenian Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
The Humanities and Social Sciences
The Language Market
The Language of Theatre and Film
Themes and Literary Genres of German Literature
Themes from Grammar - the Dictionary Perspective
Themes from Old Polish Literature
Themes from the History of Slovene Phonetics and Phonology
Theoretical Archaeology
Theories in Anthropology
Theories of Adult Education and Learning
Theories of Developmental Psychology
Theories of Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties
Theory and methodology of verbal folklore research: field documentation and analysis
Theory and Practice of Translation
Theory of Descriptive Linguistics – Semantics
Theory of Descriptive Linguistics – Syntax
Theory of Education
Theory of Education
Theory of Geography
Theory of historical linguistics
Theory of historical linguistics
Theory of History
Theory of Ideology
Theory of Knowledge
Theory of Language L I
Theory of Language L II
Theory of Organization and Management
Theory of Organization and Management
Theory of the Novel
Theory of Translation
Topics and Dimensions of Contemporary Philosophy
Topics in popular culture
Topics in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics
Tourism and Sustainable Development
Traditional Japanese Performing Arts
Translation 1
Translation 1
Translation 2
Translation 2
Translation and English Language
Translation from French into Slovene 1
Translation from French into Slovene 2
Translation from German into Slovene
Translation from German into Slovene 2
Translation from Italian
Translation from Italian into Slovene
Translation into English
Translation Into Slovene
Translation of Literary Texts
Translation Seminar I (ENG-SLO): Language resources management
Translation Seminar I (ENG-SLO): Translation of Specialized and Scientific Texts
Translation Seminar I (ENG-SLO): Translation of Texts for Arts and Humanities I
Translation Seminar I (FR-SLO): Translation into French: Culturally Specific Texts I
Translation Seminar I (FR-SLO): Translation of Specialized Texts I
Translation Seminar I (GER-SLO): Translation of Legal and Political Texts I
Translation Seminar I (GER-SLO): Translation of Sociological and Cultural Specific Texts I
Translation Seminar I (IT-SLO): Translation of Economic and Legal Texts I
Translation Seminar I (IT-SLO): Translation of Political and Technical Texts I
Translation Seminar II (FRA-SLO): Translation of Literary Texts and Texts for the Arts and Humanities
Translation Seminar II (IT-SLO): Translation of Culturally Specific and Literary texts and Texts for the Arts and Humanities I
Translation Seminar II (SLO-ENG): Translation of General Texts
Translation Seminar II (SLO-ENG): Translation of Promotional Texts
Translation Seminar II (SLO-GER): Translation of General Texts into German I
Translation Seminar III (FR-SLO): Translating Into French: Culturally Specific Texts II
Translation Seminar III (FR-SLO): Translation of Specialized Texts II
Translation Seminar III (GER-SLO): Translation of Legal and political Texts II
Translation Seminar III (GER-SLO): Translation of Sociological and Cultural Specific Texts II
Translation Seminar III (IT-SLO): Translation of economic and legal texts II
Translation Seminar III (IT-SLO): Translation of Political and Technical Texts II
Translation Seminar III (SLO-ENG): Translation of Business and Political Texts
Translation Seminar III (SLO-ENG): Translation of Business and Political Texts
Translation Seminar III (SLO-ENG): Translation of Technical Texts
Translation Seminar IV (ENG-SLO): Bilingual Lexycology and Lexicography
Translation Seminar IV (ENG-SLO): Bilingual Lexycology and Lexicography (Graz, Paris)
Translation Seminar IV (ENG-SLO): Corpora and localisation II
Translation Seminar IV (ENG-SLO): Localization and translation projects
Translation Seminar IV (ENG-SLO): Translation of Business Correspondence and Contracts
Translation Seminar IV (ENG-SLO): Translation of Political and Specizalized Texts II
Translation Seminar IV (FR-SLO): Bilingual Terminography
Translation seminar IV (IT-SLO): Translation of Culturally Specific and Literary Texts and Texts for the Arts and Humanities II
Translation Seminar IV (SLO-GER): Translation of General Texts Into German II
Translation Technologies
Translation Theory
Translation Tools
Translation: German into Slovene
Translation: Slovene into German
Translation-Oriented Contrastive Slovene-German Text Analysis
Translation-oriented English Idiomatics and Stylistics
Translation-Oriented French Idiomatics and stylistics
Translation-oriented German Idiomatics and Stylistics
Translation-oriented German Word Formation
Translation-oriented Italian idiomatics and stylistics
Translation-Oriented Text Skills in English I
Translation-Oriented Text Skills in English II
Translation-Oriented Text Skills in French I
Translation-Oriented Text Skills in French II
Translation-Oriented Text Skills in German I: German Text Analysis I
Translation-Oriented Text Skills in German II: German Text Formation II
Translation-Oriented Text Skills in Italian I
Translation-oriented textual competences for Italian III
Trends in ELT
Trends in ELT INT
Twentieth-Century British Poetry
Urban and Transnational Anthropology
Urban and Transnational Anthropology
Urban Anthropology C
Urban Anthropology S
Urban Geography
Urban Planning
Users of information sources and services
Users of Information Sources and Services
UZ1 German 1
UZ1 German 2
Verse Text
Verse Text
Views, social cognitions and representations
Visual Anthropology
Visual Research
Visual Research
Vocational Pedagogy and Andragogy
William Shakespeare's Plays
Wittgenstein and Contemporary Philosophy
Wittgenstein and Contemporary Philosophy CE
Women's History C
Women's History S
Word formation
Word Formation of Modern Slovene Language
Word Formation of Modern Slovene Language
Work Placement
World Archaeology
World Literature
World Literature
Written and Oral Communication III
Written expression course
Youth Literature
Ajlec, Kornelija
Andrič, Maja
Antić Gaber, Milica
Avsec, Andreja
Babič, Saša
Babič, Vanda
Babnik, Katarina
Bajec, Boštjan
Bajič, Blaž
Balažic Bulc, Tatjana
Balkovec, Bojan
Banfi, Živa
Barbo, Matjaž
Bartol, Tomaž
Bartulović, Alenka
Bavec, Jasna
Bekeš, Andrej
Belak, Mojca
Bergamasco, Meta
Bjelčevič, Aleksander
Blake, Jason Frederick
Blatnik, Andrej
Bobnar, Miranda
Bobovnik, Nejc
Bogunović Hočevar, Katarina
Bole Maia, Andreja
Bon, Jurij
Boštjančič, Eva
Bračič, Mark Floyd
Brecelj, Kaja Katarina
Bucik, Valentin
Burazer, Lara
Burcar, Lilijana
Cedilnik, Alenka
Cergol Paradiž, Ana
Cerkovnik, Borut
Cerkovnik, Gašper
Cheng, Yo-Ning
Cigale, Dejan
Ciglenečki, Jan
Culiberg, Luka
Currie, Oliver
Cvar, Nina
Čebron Lipovec, Uršula
Čeč, Dragica
Čerče, Danica
Černetič, Jan
Čobec, Katarina
Čok, Gregor
Čop, Breda
Črešnar, Matija
Črnivec, Nina
Čuden, Darko
Depolli Steiner, Katja
Derganc, Aleksandra
Dernič, Anja
Dervišević, Edvin
Dipasquale, Elisa
Ditmajer Prando, Nina
Dobnik, Nadja
Dolar, Mladen
Dolar Bahovec, Eva
Dolšina Delač, Marjana
Drašler, Andreja
Dražil, Gregor
Elikan Korošec, Nataša
Farinelli, Patrizia
Fekonja, Urška
Felgner, Lars
Ferenc, Mitja
Ferlež, Jerneja
Filipović, Jelena
Fišer, Darja
Flis, Tomaž
Fock, Ignac
Fras Popović, Sabina
Fuchs, Dieter Wilhelm
Furlan, Metka
Gaber, Mateja
Gacoin-Marks, Florence Lucienne
Gale, Luka
Gaspari, Andrej
Germ, Martin
Geršak, Marija Uršula
Ghiasian, Maryam
Golja, Petra
Golob, Mojca
Golob, Nina
Gorjanc, Vojko
Gosar, David
Govekar Okoliš, Monika
Grabar, Nika
Grad, Martin Anton
Grahek Križnar, Nina
Grčar, Mina
Gregorčič, Kristina
Gregorčič Mrvar, Petra
Grgič, Matejka
Grosman, Darja
Grošelj, Nada Marija
Grošelj, Robert
Gruden, Urška
Gruntar Jermol, Ada
Gubenšek, Tomaž
Gulič Pirnat, Priscila
Gustinčič Pahor, Mita
Györköš, Tatjana
Habinc, Mateja
Hacin Beyazoglu, Kaja
Hafner, Miha
Hajdini, Simon
Hellmuth Kramberger, Anja
Hirci, Nataša
Hmeljak, Marija Kristina
Hočevar, Andreja
Hočevar, Mia
Hojker, Mihaela
Horjak, Luka
Hribar, Gregor
Hribar Sorčan, Valentina
Hriberšek, Matej
Hrvatin, Klara
Hudelja, Niko
Hussu, Tereza
Ilc, Gašper
Inkret, Andreja
Ipavec Dobrota, Irena
Isak Kres, Jelena
Istenič Kotar, Saša
Ivan, Andrea
Ivančič Kutin, Barbara
Jalušič, Vlasta
Jamar, Nina
Janžekovič, Nastja
Javor Briški, Marija
Javornik, Miha
Jerše, Sašo
Jeznik, Katja
Jež, Andraž
Jieanu, Ioana-Carmen
Jug, Tjaša
Jurko, Primož
Juvan, Marko
Kalenić Ramšak, Branka
Kalin, Janica
Kang, Byoung Yoong
Kavalir, Monika
Kavčič, Jerneja
Kavčič, Nataša
Kenda, Jana
Kete Matičič, Jana
Klemenc, Jasna
Klemenčič, Andreja
Klemenčič, Matej
Klemenčič, Simona
Kobal Grum, Darja
Kobe, Zdravko
Kocijančič Pokorn, Nike
Kočalková, Anežka
Kočevar, Neža
Kogovšek, Tina
Kohont, Andrej
Kokole, Stanko
Kolarič, Nives
Komar, Smiljana
Komarova, Tatjana
Komel, Dean
Komidar, Luka
Končan, Andreja
Korošaj, Majča
Korošec, Damjan
Kos, Matevž
Kos, Živa
Kosec, Maja Maria
Kosi, Jernej
Košmerl, Tadej
Koter, Darja
Kovač, Mihael
Kovač Šebart, Mojca
Kovačič, Gorazd
Kramberger, Petra
Kranjc, Simona
Krašovec, Primož
Krašovic, Tina
Kravanja, Aljoša
Kravanja, Boštjan
Krečič Žižek, Jela
Kreft, Lev
Kreft, Marko
Krek, Janez
Krevel, Mojca
Krevs, Marko
Krevs Birk, Uršula
Kristl, Nina
Križnik, Blaž
Kroflič, Robert
Kroupa, Gregor
Kržišnik, Erika
Kuhar, Maja
Kuhar, Roman
Kunej, Drago
Kušar, Simon
Kutyrova, Vira
Kvartič, Ambrož
Lacova, Hana
Lah, Meta
Lampič, Barbara
Lamy-Joswiak, Anne-Cecile
Lazović, Vesna
Legan Ravnikar, Andreja
Lep, Žan
Leskovar, Tamara
Leskovec, Andrea
Leskovec, Christiane
Levanič, Tomislav
Ličen, Nives
Lipovšek, Frančiška
Lorenčič, Severin
Lovenjak, Milan
Lovšin, Blaž
Lozar Mrevlje, Janko
Lughofer, Johann Georg
Lunaček Brumen, Ana Sarah
Maček, Amalija
Magajna, Lidija
Mahnič, Katja
Makovec Radovan, Danijela
Makuc Semion, Miladi
Malakov, Milen
Malec, Maja
Malešič, Jasna
Maltarić, Bojana
Mandelc, Damjan
Manouilidou, Christina
Marčič, Renata
Marinčič, Katarina
Marinčič, Marko
Markič, Jasmina
Markič, Olga
Marvin Derganc, Tatjana
Masten, Robert
Matajc, Vanesa
Matkovič, Andraž
Maver, Igor
Maver, Jasna
Mažgon, Jasna
Medarić, Igor
Medvedšek, Mojca
Mehle, Ana
Mencej, Mirjana
Merčun Kariž, Tanja
Mertelj, Darja
Mezeg, Adriana
Mikolič Južnič, Tamara
Mikša, Peter
Mikulec, Borut
Milavec, Tina
Mirčevska, Žanina
Mlacović, Dušan
Mlekuž Vrhovnik, Dimitrij
Mlinar, Janez
Molek, Nadia
Molle, Tiziana
Moritoki Škof, Nagisa
Motnik, Marko
Movrin, David
Mrak, Anja
Mrak, Gašper
Muchova, Zuzana
Müller, Blažka
Munih, Hana
Muršič, Rajko
Mušič, Branko
Nagode, Aleš
Nared, Dagmar
Nežmah, Bernard
Novak, Barbara
Novak, Petra
Novak Klemenčič, Renata
Novak Lukanovič, Sonja
Novak Zabukovec, Vlasta
Novaković, Predrag
Nowak, Marta
Ogrin, Darko
Ogrin, Matej
Orel, Irena
Orel Kos, Silvana
Orešnik, Janez
Osolnik Kunc, Viktorija
Ošlaj, Borut
Oštir, Krištof
Oven, Jacqueline
Ožbot Currie, Martina
Pahor, Nina
Pallay, Jozef
Paolucci, Sandro
Pauman Budanović, Mihela
Pavlič, Darja
Pečjak, Sonja
Peklaj, Cirila
Pelicon, Sara
Perenič, Urška
Pešorda, Sanja
Petek, Marija
Petek, Nina
Petek, Polona
Peternel, Marija Mojca
Petrovčič, Mateja
Petrovec, Živa Manja
Petru, Simona
Pettan, Svanibor Hubert
Pezdirc Bartol, Mateja
Pihler Ciglič, Barbara
Pirc, Tina
Pirih Svetina, Nataša
Pirkovič, Jelka
Pirtošek, Zvezdan
Pisanski, Jan
Pisanski Peterlin, Agnes
Plestenjak, Ana
Podgornik, Vesna
Podgoršek, Saša
Podjed, Dan
Podlesek, Anja
Podlesnik, Blaž
Podreka, Jasna
Podržaj, Tina
Polajnar Lenarčič, Janja
Pompe, Gregor
Popič, Damjan
Potočnik, Tina
Potočnik Slavič, Irma
Potrč, Matjaž
Požgaj Hadži, Vesna
Predovnik, Katarina Katja
Pregelj, Peter
Preglau, Daniela
Premrl Podobnik, Mirjam
Primc, Doris
Princes, Nevenka
Prosenc, Irena
Puklek Levpušček, Melita
Purg Suljič, Nina
Radovan, Marko
Rakovec, Ana
Rebernik, Dejan
Rebetz, Jonathan Samuel
Reindl, Donald Francis
Repanšek, Luka
Repe, Blaž
Repe, Božo
Repič, Jaka
Repovš, Grega
Resnik Planinc, Tatjana
Retelj, Andreja
Rezoničnik, Lidija
Rieger, Mladen
Robida, Mateja
Rodriguez Diaz del Real, Alejandro
Rogelj, Boštjan
Rošker, Jana
Rot Gabrovec, Veronika
Ryu, Hyeonsook
Saje, Mitja
Saksida, Amanda
Saksida, Igor
Samaluk, Barbara
Samide, Irena
Santiago Alonso, Gemma Maria
Schlamberger Brezar, Mojca
Selišnik, Irena
Senegačnik, Branko
Sernelj, Tea
Sevšek Šramel, Špela
Shigemori Bučar, Chikako
Sicherl, Eva
Simetinger, Tomaž
Simonič, Peter
Simoniti, Ana
Sitar, Jasna
Skela, Janez
Skubic Ermenc, Klara
Skumavc, Nina
Slana Ozimič, Anka
Smole, Vera
Smolej, Mojca
Smolej, Tone
Smrdelj, Rok
Snoj, Marko
Snoj, Vid
Sočan, Gregor
Sokolov, Cvetka
Spanring Poredoš, Marina
Srebnik, Anita
Stabej, Marko
Stanič, Daša
Stankovska, Petra
Stefanija, Leon
Stefanovski, Sašo
Stepanova, Evgeniia
Stepišnik, Uroš
Stergar, Rok
Stopar, Andrej
Strahovnik, Vojko
Strsoglavec, Đurđa
Stubbs, John Anthony
Subiotto, Namita
Sukljan, Nejc
Svetel, Ana
Svetina, Matija
Šabec, Maja
Šarić, Marjeta
Šauperl, Alenka
Šega, Agata
Šekli, Matej
Šemrov, Ana
Šifrar Kalan, Marjana
Šimenc, Marjan
Širca, Alen Albin
Škamperle, Igor
Škerlavaj, Tanja
Šmit, Žiga
Šnytová, Jana
Šporčič, Anamarija
Šprajc, Ivan
Šraj Lebar, Tanja
Štajnpihler Božič, Tilen
Štefanc, Damijan
Šteh, Barbara
Štih, Peter
Štuhec, Marko
Štumberger, Saška
Šumrada, Simona
Švab, Katarina
Taniguchi, Ela
Teslić, Petra
Tivadar, Hotimir
Tivadar, Tanja
Tomaž, Alenka
Tomažinčič, Špela
Toporišič, Tomaž
Toškan, Borut
Tratnik, Polona
Trček Pečak, Tamara
Trenc, Andreja
Trobec, Tajan
Troha, Tadej
Trškan, Danijela
Tsai, Yi-Hua
Tsiami, Konstantina
Turk, Boštjan Marko
Tušek, Nina
Udovič, Boštjan
Uhlik, Mladen
Umer Kljun, Jerneja
Unuk, Lara
Urbančič, Matej
Urbas, Janja
Valant, Miha
Valenčič Arh, Urška
Valič, Urša
Vampelj Suhadolnik, Nataša
Vanček, Jasna
Vasić Tomše, Hristina
Vaupot, Sonia
Vec, Tomaž
Venišnik Peternelj, Vesna
Verginella, Marta
Veselič, Maja
Veselko, Vita
Vidmar, Igor
Vidmar, Luka
Vidmar, Tadej
Vidmar Horvat, Ksenija
Vidrih, Rebeka
Vidrih Perko, Verena
Vilar, Polona
Vinazza, Manca
Vintar, Špela
Vintar Mally, Katja
Virant, Špela
Virk, Tomislav
Visočnik, Julijana
Visočnik Gerželj, Nataša
Vitez, Primož
Vodopivec, Nina
Vogel, Jerica
Vogrinc Javoršek, Urška
Vogrinčič, Ana
Vogrinčič Čepič, Ana
Vörös, Sebastjan
Vrbinc, Marjeta
Vrečko, Janez
Vremšak Richter, Vanda
Vrhunc, Larisa
Vršič, Zarja
Vučkovič, Eva
Weiss, Sonja
Winkler, Bernhard
Wtorkowska, Maria Zofia
Yankova, Veneta
Zabel, Blaž
Zager Kocjan, Gaja
Zalta, Anja
Zanier, Katharina
Zaposleni/pogodbeni, bodoči
Zavratnik, Veronika
Zdešar Kotnik, Katja
Zlatnar Moe, Marija
Zorčič, Sabina
Zore, Franc
Zorman, Klemen
Zorman, Marinka
Zupan Sosič, Alojzija
Zupančič, Jernej
Zupančič, Maja
Zwitter, Žiga
Zwitter Vitez, Ana
Žbogar, Alenka
Žele, Andreja
Želježič, Mirjana
Žerovc, Beti
Žigon, Tanja
Žigon, Urša
Živanović, Sašo
Žunkovič, Igor
Žvab Rožič, Petra
Žvelc, Gregor
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04 (rač.učilnica-19 računalnikov)
12 fonolab.
32 - Tolmačenje
Aškerčeva 5, pred. 113
BF, Antropološka vajalnica
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kabinet 105 P5 Zavetiška
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laboratorijska učilnica AR Zavetiška
Sejna soba Zavetiška AR
sem.s-Zavetiška- AR
Slavistika-seminarska soba
Trubarjeva 3, pred. T613
Vegova 4 - zunanja enota (ZG)
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